7 on the line started at 4pm in Mckinley Hill stadium on the day of Halloween, 2015. Hundred some ultimate players around Asia gathered for this Halloween hat. This year the theme of the event is Ultimate Villain and a friendly competition was held to announce who is the Ultimate Badass of the tourney. The teams wore costumes according to their themes. Dragon Ball Z, White Walkers, Dark side, DC villains, Disney villains, Orcs, Pirates and Greek mythology were the official teams of the tourney.
Not a surprise and all for fun, plenty of ultimate players made great effort to showcase their costumes. Preparing for the costume is the first challenge, the next challenge would be playing in it.
Night falls and the game continues with these ultimate villains. Each teams played at least 4 games during this 8 hour tourney. Teams that went to finals had to play 5 to 6 games.
The finals between DC Villains and Orcs was exciting. Sky jumps, dive, rolls were made to get that disc. Here is the list of winners:
2nd Place- ORCS
Not only the best ultimate teams won during this night. Special awards were given to players who made great efforts for their costumes together with the awesome ultimate players:
Best Props Che Bello
Best Makeup Christoper Laurel
Best Costume Tim ‘O Rourke
People’s Choice Dodong Dela Cruz
Tournament MVP Marian Majer
Finals MVP Julia Templo and Alex Calipan
Lagarista, an ultimate team in Manila, is the main organiser of this tourney. Dressed as Mafia this night, they have, indeed, operated a badass event.