Fast Burn from Boxing
Sports will never run out of style. It has looked fabulous when I was young and it still looks gorgeous until now. I always believe in being active and resilient. It keeps off the weight and age. The former proves itself constantly and the latter is beginning to come to pass.
Gym membership is another alternative but admit it, it could get boring. There are classes offered in established gyms. They are definitely fun, especially belly dancing, but for some reason there is a need to sweat more. Tired of the threadmill, running outside has to be timed with less sun and I have to exercise first thing in the morning were issues revolving in my head. Just when I’m about to give up and sulk in my gym routine, a friend of mine introduce me to her sports. I was intrigued because I’ve never seen her so fit.
She claims she is hooked with this sport. Like a drooling dog, I asked the 4 Ws (What, where, when, why). What? Boxing! Where? There is a boxing gym located near our area called Elorde. When? Anybody can train whenever he/she wants. Why? Just look at me. I hurried to investigate.
The using of Best Elliptical Machine is simple. Pay a walk-in fee of 250 pesos ($6) or an annual fee of 1000 pesos (22$) with training fee of lesser amount than a walk-in fee of 150 pesos (4$). A frequent trainee should pick the latter. Buy boxing gloves and wraps. A boxing instructor will be assigned to you and he will guide you throughout the routine.
The routine is straightforward. Get shoes on (trainers recommend Reebok boxing shoes), warm up, punch mitts, speed ball, punch mitts, abs, cool down and stretching. It takes about an hour and half to do this. To spar or not to spar is your prerogative. I got hooked like my friend and had my routine which lasts 2 hours and half to three hours. The instructors are professional and very friendly. Specify your goal, they will surely help and advice.